How Does VAD Empower the Speech Processing?

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Voice Activity Detection (VAD) technology is a technique used to detect the presence or absence of human speech in an audio signal. This article will introduce VAD and how the NearStream VM33 camera utilizes VAD technology to provide advanced audio services. 

What is VAD?

Voice activity detection (VAD), also known as speech activity detection or speech detection, is the detection of the presence or absence of human speech, used in speech processing. 

The fundamental goal of VAD is to analyze an audio stream and determine whether it contains speech or not. This can be done by analyzing various features of the signal, such as its energy level, spectral content, and temporal characteristics. The VAD system will emit a "speech" signal if the analysis reveals the presence of speech, which can then be further processed for a variety of applications.

Click here for more details on this technology.

Why is VAD important?

VAD is commonly used in applications such as speech recognition, teleconferencing, and voice-enabled devices like smart speakers. It can facilitate speech processing, and can also be used to deactivate some processes during non-speech section of an audio session.

VAD has two distinct advantages: precision and real-time capability.

2.1 Precision

Due to the use of advanced algorithms and models, VAD has high accuracy and reliability, and can accurately distinguish different types of speech activities.

2.2 Real-time

VAD can process voice signals in real-time and respond to them in a short period of time.

Therefore it can be widely used in various real-time application scenarios, such as generating speeches for people with hearing loss during lectures, applying to smart homes to respond to users' voice commands, etc.

This research will show you how VAD can help elderly and physically challenged people.

VM33 camera with VAD

Powered by Auditoryworks, NearStream specializes in developing and implementing AI-powered audio enhancing technology. We developed our technology to use algorithms to detect speech signals and improve audio quality in real-time.

VM33 camera employed VAD technology to improve the accuracy and performance of its audio system, making it a useful tool for speech recognition and noise reduction.

3.1 Teleconferencing

When applied to video conferencing, VM33 can be combined with text converter to help you automate audio recording and meeting transcription generation.

To be specific, when VM33 detects human voices, it uses VAD to distinguish human voices from other voices and convert the speech to text. In this way, participants' speech can be converted to text in real-time and displayed on the screen, thus helping people who are hearing impaired or not fluent in English to better communicate with others.

Also, these transcribed texts can be used to automatically generate meeting minutes via natural language processing algorithms. It can extract key information, such as action items and decision points. You can use the information to fill out the meeting notes template automatically, which saves time and revs up efficiency.

3.2 Audio post-production

The VAD-processed VM33 audio is smoother for post-production, such as removing noise, separating tracks, etc.

By detecting different sounds in an audio recording, VAD can be used to remove unwanted background noise. This is particularly useful for audio recordings made in noisy environments, such as outdoor or large meeting recordings.

VAD can be used to identify and separate different audio tracks in a recording.

If you are using video clips captured by VM33 as sources of audio editing, the VAD-processed audio will provide you with improved audio quality and clarity.

Suppose you’re doing music editing, VAD can help break down a mixed audio signal into different tracks, separating the vocals and backing vocals in a song.



In conclusion, VAD technology not only saves bandwidth and improves audio transmission in real-time, but also can be applied to a variety of using scenarios such as online meetings and audio processing. With VAD, VM33 serves as the useful and right tool for your speech processing.

Click on the link to view more about NearStream VM33 camera.

NearStream is a startup company based in Hangzhou, China with a mission to create an innovative and ultimate multicam live streaming experience for the new generation of content creators, influencers and videographers. Click here to view more.

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