Livestream to YouTube Using the Built-in YouTube Function

1608 total views,2 views today

You can also use the built-in function to live stream your event to YouTube. Following is a step-by-step guide that outlines how to live stream to YouTube using the built-in function. 

1. Sign in

Click Live button, enter the Live Platform page, and select YouTube.

You will be prompted to log in via Google. Continue to log in to your account. 

2. Create event

Tap + Create Event on the up right corner of the Youtube event page. You can edit the name, privacy setting, date & time of your event here.

3. Add destination & Go Live

Your streaming event will appear on the Youtube page. Select it and add it as a new destination. Then tap Go Live.

4. End Stream

When you're streaming, the Go Live button will show as End Stream. You can press it to end your stream and event.

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